Gretchen, Bryan & Charlotte

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Its been a while!

Charlotte goes to the zoo for the first time when Andy and Katie came to visit from PA!
Charlotte turns three months old!

Charlotte earns her wings - American Airlines!

Ok, so I'm pretty much the worst blogger in town!! Its been so long since our last post - lots of stuff has happened!! Here's a rundown:

*Charlotte went on her first airplane ride in August when we went to Michigan for my grandma's funeral. My Grandma, Barbara Stadnik, died at the age of 87 in the beginning of the month after fighting a long battle with significant dementia, kidney failure, heart problems and diabetes. She was very loved and will be greatly missed. Though the circumstances were sad, the silver lining of her passing was that we traveled to the midwest and got to see most of our family! It was a blessing for Charlotte to be able to meet so many people and despite getting a cold toward the end of the trip, she did a great job traveling. We'll miss you Grandma!!

*Charlotte is becoming much more active and rolls over all over the place! She starting doing log rolls while we were in Michigan where she was rolling from one side of a blanket on the floor to the other. She doesn't do this often, but when she does its really cute! Mostly she just rolls from her tummy to her back so she can prop herself up on her arms to play with her toys. She loves to kick her legs and has even done a crazy break dancing move from time to time where she lays on her stomach and lifts her legs and hips completely off the ground.

*Charlotte started laughing (see the video clip!) It is adorable and though she doesn't do it often, she's trying to laugh a few times a day now. She is such a happy baby and hearing her giggle is really the best sound in town!

*Mommy went back to work for three weeks and it was so hard leaving Charlotte behind! She did great with her Mimi Grundon and Auntie Emy though. Mommy made it through but only because she knew her period of working was going to be super short. She's already dreading going back full time in January!!!
* Charlotte went to the zoo and Sea World for the first time. She was a good girl at the zoo, but wasn't too interested in looking around. At Sea World though, she LOVED looking at the animals. It was so exciting to see her so interested in her suroundings. The animals at Sea World are nice and big and easy to see, so she had a great time looking around!

I'm going to try to be better about keeping up with the blog to keep everyone posted! Here's some pictures and a video!

We're having such a wonderful time watching Charlotte grow and learn how to do new things every day. We are excited to tell you more about all she does!


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