Gretchen, Bryan & Charlotte

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A month in review...

Sitting with Auntie Coley on Thanksgiving!

Enjoying sitting in her highchair on Thanksgiving. When given a choice of any toys or kitchen items, Charlotte always chooses the kitchen items. Her top favorites are tupperware lids, canning lids and measuring spoons!

"Its ok Isla!" Says Charlotte "Our moms won't make us wear the same outfits all the time forever - just until we get a little bigger and can tell them that it drives us crazy!"

Charlotte with Isla in their Best Friends Forever shirts.

Walking in the beautiful autumn leaves!

Hanging with Grandpa on Thanksgiving!

In a daze from all the turkey apparently...

First bath in a big girl bathtub at Don and Suzanne's house! She had the giggles big time!

Five months old!

Its been a month since my last post! I can't get around to getting this stuff updated!! Things are going great. Charlotte is about to turn six months old and we continued to be amazed at her growth everyday. She is sitting in her high chair now like a big girl and trying to crawl! So far she can only go backwards, but she sure is trying! She tasted rice cereal for the first time on Thanksgiving, but didn't enjoy it too much. Its been getting better as the days go by, but at this point I'm not exactly sure how much food is actually getting into her little tummy, as she spits most of each bite right back out! She is, however, interested in trying to feed herself and wants to hold the spoon. I am learning that rice cereal is one of the stickier foods ever created!

We're getting ready to leave for a two week trip to PA next week to visit the LeBrocqs and the Maddens. We are looking forward to the cold winter weather, baking cookies, going to Timmy's wedding, and celebrating Kate's ENGAGEMENT!!!!!


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