Gretchen, Bryan & Charlotte

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here is a picture of me with my friend Amanda whose baby is due in July. Her little Baby Michael and Charlotte will be good friends!

The end is in sight!

I had an appointment this morning and the baby is still closed up tight inside of me. Her head is descended and in position, but I'm not dialating at all. Just in case things don't progress, we scheduled an induction today! On Sunday night, we check in to the hospital at 7:30. Looks like we'll have a June 1st baby - unless of course, she decides to come on her own before that which is what we are hoping for!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Future Best Friends

Baby Charlotte told me that she can't wait to come out and meet her future best friend, Baby Isla! (Ali and Andrew's baby who was born February 10th). The two of them will be spending alot of time together this summer and fall while Ali and I are both off of work!

Just the two of us...

Bryan and I have realized that our days together, "Just the two of us" are very limited! This past weekend we tried to spend some quality time together before the baby comes. Though we are still anxiously awaiting her arrival, we are trying to take advantage of our married life with no kids before Charlotte gets here. On Saturday morning, we went to Mission Bay Park and walked around for an hour (hoping the walking would induce labor, but it obviously didn't!). Then, on Monday, for the holiday, we went to Sea World and walked around there for two hours (hoping the walking would induce labor, but it obviously didn't!). Both dates were followed by long naps at home in the afternoon. :) Its getting alot more tiring to take long walks for me at this point. We have our next prenatal appointment tomorrow - we are hoping for news of progress, because we do not want to have to induce labor if we don't have to! Wish us luck.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Still nothing..

The doctor's appointment on Wednesday told us that nothing is happening yet with this baby! He said it could all change quickly at any time, but that as of then, she seemed quite happy where she was. He said that if things still aren't progressing at my next appointment (next Wednesday), we will pick a day to induce labor. Hopefully it won't come to that, but at least if she doesn't decide to arrive on her own, we'll have a plan B set!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

38 weeks and counting down the days....

This is my first week of maternity leave and I am loving it! Its so nice to not be working (even though I am going in tomorrow to finish up the paperwork and work on prep for next school year!). I've been doing alot of nesting with Bryan's help. I never believed the nesting theories people shared with me and I read about until I realized that on sunday morning I was on my hands and knees in the backyard scrubbing our mini blinds with soap and water and a sponge to ensure that they will be clean and spot free when the baby arrives! I must be either nuts or this baby is on her way here! Today I got a pedicure with Charlotte's grandma and we picked out an adorable 4th of July outfit for her to wear! Thanks Grandma!!

I've discovered today my new favorite places to be:
1. The swimming pool - its nice to feel weightless! I spent 3o minutes in the pool today walking laps and stretching. Its the only place I can bend over easily! We're having great weather right now and I'm planning on being in the water every day until Charlotte arrives!
2. In the glider rocker in Charlotte's room - this has to be the most comfortable chair in the world!
Laying down is no longer even slightly comfortable and the nights just seem cruely long. I'm at the point of waking up every hour only to exert any energy I have to pull myself out of bed and to the bathroom. I guess its preparing me for the mid-night feedings I will be doing in less than two weeks! I have a feeling waking up for a cute baby will be alot more rewarding than waking up to pee for the 10th time in one night though, so I look forward to it!
Tomorrow morning I have my first internal exam to determine if there's any changes and if whether or not my body is getting ready to have this baby. More to follow...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Less than 4 weeks to go (we hope!)

Its been a while since our last post - things have been busy for us, trying to get everything ready! We feel that we can say now that we are indeed ready for Charlotte to arrive. We have all the supplies we need and are getting so excited to meet her!! Gretchen had an appointment with the doctor today though, and they are estimating at this time that she may already weigh 7-7 1/2 pounds. According to the books, the baby could still grow a half a pound a week from now until the end, which we would mean a BIG BABY!! Wish us luck!!

We converted our kitchen into a playroom as you can see in the picture. The dogs are banned from the area, and so far, they don't seem too bothered by it. We bring the swing and bouncer seat out in the living room, put a cabbage patch doll in them and turn them on to get the dogs used to the noise and motion. At first they were slightly interested, now they don't really seem to notice or care! Hopefully they will continue to be this calm when the baby is actually in the swing. The bedroom is also completely set up now. We have more clothes than we know what to do with - she will likely be getting her clothes changed 6 times a day so she can wear all of her outfits before she out grows them!